Friday, October 21, 2011

Posture and Fluidity

The concept of Fluidity in riding, introduced by Linda Parelli, taught that one should be relaxed, move with the horse with your whole body, allow the toes to turn out as they wish and sit back in a more comfortable position.

Above: The rider is probably sitting on his tail bone, if his feet were in the stirrups they would be bracing, his core is not in the least engaged, his head is throwing his weight to one side, and most importantly, he doesn't look at all like he's mirroring his horse.


Above: This position is the traditional English position. The rider is erect, stiff, the weight is all on the horse's forehand, the position is fragile because it is very easy to be thrown forward, and again; the horse is not being mirrored.

Fluidity is mirroring the horse. It is harmony. Synchronicity. 

The pictures above take the concept of Fluidity to a very exaggerated and unnecessary level.

Above: Look at the length of the riders back and then the horse's. They are mirroring each other. She is relaxed. He is relaxed.

Above: Riding comfortably but with energy and engagement!

Above: Focus and expression of horse and rider are the same, in harmony.

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