Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Your thoughts?

What do you think it means to ask nothing from someone yet demand they give their all?


Kinga said...

I think that too many people are guilty of this- for example not helping others but assuming others will help you. Interesting to think about.

Priscilla said...

hmm... Yes.

ok, anyone else?

Anonymous said...

I think its only fair to give people some "clues" as to how you like things to be. It helps minimise confusion, if nothing else :-)

Well, otherwise, you can't blame them when they're trying to please/help/accomodate you and they get it wrong...

Sharing - in a kind gentle non-demanding way (as in, not like "do this for me, and do it now") - can help both of you grow together in knowing how best to live round one another in a way that will also promote the other persons comfort and happiness.

It does have to be two-way though too... if all the "sacrificial giving" is on one side, that's not a healthy balance for the relationship.

Just my 2p. (Or should that be 2 cents now!)

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