Thursday, July 8, 2010

This is SO funny, you must read it!!!

Typical Left brain introvert-ness that I often see in Cricket... I found it on the Savvy Club Website! Read on...

  • The "I gotta pee" stance. (when he doesn't really have to go)

  • The "yes I'm listening to your reins with my head, but my feet are gonna keep going where I want to go" walk.

  • The 'slightly faster than usual walk whilst your asking me to trot so that I get to the back of the ride before you actually manage to get me into trot!'

  • The 'I know you can't steer so I'm gonna cut right across the middle of the menage & go to the back of the ride'

  • Oooh I have the worst itch ever and can't possibly move until you have stood and scratched it for me for 10 minutes.

  • What that? That looks scary! Is that a lovely patch of grass right next to it! I had better eat some to help me get over my fear!

  • The minute I pick up the reins, "Oooohhh wait I gotta scratch an itch--on your leg!!!".

  • I just gotta scratch my leg... la la la scratch scratch BITE OF GRASS scratch scratch YUMMM.. Honest i'm scratching!! Mwahahaha she'll never be able to lift my head....'

  • "I'm done riding now so I think I'll just lay down here to take a rest"

  • Pretending to get a drink of water--from an empty bucket.

  • Pretend lameness.

  • Won't do the thing you asked for - but offers another behavior that has earned a reward in the past.
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