Thursday, July 29, 2010

Brego and I playing on the 45' line for the first time.


My 45' line from Parelli arrived today!! I'm so happy with it, I love it!

Enjoy the video!



Kerrin Koetsier said...

Awesome, Priscilla! Is this your first time ever playing with a 45ft line? You wouldn't think it...

Parelli Central

virginagirl said...

I love it! Brego has gotten so big since I left, and he is just beautiful. I love what you are doing with him. Have you been riding much?

Priscilla said...

Thank you, Kerrin. Yes, this is the very very very first time ever! Thanks!

Yes Emily, I've been riding all the horses a lot, except Jehu. :) They're such joys. I'm getting more used to the different forms of their back, it's interesting when you're bareback!

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