Thursday, June 3, 2010

A whole new level

Those Flying Lead Changes I did yesterday have already opened up a whole new level of learning and communication. When I ride her I feel as though I'm actually talking to her, not in a weird way. I was out there just hanging out and touching the horses softly, I had no treats yet they all crowded (<--spelling?) around me and when I took a few steps away, they all followed. Brego was even very confident, he nibbled on my arm-- so cute! :)

I have had a cold for the past couple of days. I was feeling so very lazy and weak this morning and didn't know how to motivate myself. I went outside and even though my physical condition didn't improve, mentally I was quite a different story.

Thanks for reading...



1 comment:

Parelli Central said...

Hi Priscilla,
I enjoyed reading your posts and I LOVE all the pictures! Horses help us to be mentally, emotionally and physically "sound". Just having them around improves my well-being when I feel down...I hope you get to feel better soon!

Petra Christensen
Parelli 1Star Junior Instructor