Friday, June 25, 2010

"Can you?...."

I'm making a list of things Cricket and I can do, not just do but the more advanced:

Friendly Game: Helicopter, vigorously slapping the ground around her, rub/touch her everywhere.
Porcupine Game: Leg yields walk and trot on a weave pattern (freestyle), drive from zone 5, flying lead changes.
Driving Game: Draw at Canter (Liberty), Reining Spins (online and liberty).

Yikes... Don't get to finish this post... ugg... gtg!

Toodles! More later... It's not about what you can do, but about how you do it! :) "Naturally"


PS. Comment!


Poppy said...

Priss! You seem totally excited! I'm so happy for you!

Priscilla said...


Parelli Central said...

Hi Priscilla! Cool idea to do a "Can you?"list. And yes, the simple thing done with excellence and "slow and right beats fast and wrong" are principles that Pat Parelli is looking for.
Here is another "Can You?": Can you send your horse to a frisbee using the whole 22'line and have him put a foot on it? Can you be more specific and tell him which would to put on it?
Let me know the results!

Petra Christensen
Parelli 1Star Junior Instructor