Wednesday, June 2, 2010

After the part Audition

Ok... So right after doing part of the online audition earlier on today, I went to the dentist. *ouch*

So the lady dentist that gets the mental pick that looks like a wire and starts scrapping at my teeth and yanking out gum with it. *yoooouch!* Meanwhile she was telling me how I need to floss by those molars (*wince*). I do floss ! Really! I do!

The doctor (it was a lady) came in and thankfully saved me but then asked me if anything was hurting and if I'm feeling ok. I very untruthfully said no. I wanted to say, "Are you kidding me?! This lady has been ripping my mouth out 'till I feel like I don't have any teeth or gums left! And then you ask me if I'm feeling ok?"....

Ok....  wasn't that bad.... Oh... I have 3 wisdom teeth, does that mean I'm smart?!!

Oh! When I got home I went out side to work with Cricket! We ended up working with circles and flying lead changes (riding). I got many circles, 3 flying lead changes, and many simple lead changes.

Toodles for now!



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