Sunday, June 6, 2010

Brego- Gaining weight!

I had a small session with Brego and here's how it went:

We started with just doing a little yo-yo game and Hill Therapy, his posture is improving very nicely. Not only his posture but the speed of his canter and his mental health is great. Instead of rushing out on the circle, he trotted slowly out and I asked for a canter and he loped nicely around me. No rush! This was really nice, BTW he's a Right Brain Extrovert (tense, more "go", panicky).

After this and some squeeze game.... Oh! Squeeze game! We worked on jumping the tires then I realized he was stopping and couldn't think, I lowered the height and spread them out and he trotted nicely and hopped over! :)

Then I feed him his grain and I put the bareback pad on him. He stood still and wasn't very tense. :)

I then worked on sideways without a fence and I had him mentally engaged by the end even though he wasn't perfectly straight. Well, slow and right is better than fast and wrong, right? :)

We then proceeded to work on backing by the tail and I could see him thinking, nice. Thinking! lol. He is rather distrustful of humans around his hind-quarters so I worked on getting back there, sighing and relaxation. His yo-yo game isn't very straight when in zone 4/5 so I worked on that. He likes to just turn and face. By the time I was done he did backing by the tail really well with no tension. Abby, I congratulate you on a very nice and willing horse! Phase 1/2 is all he needs.

He is starting to do drive with one rein in zone 5 and he is really sweet! :)

Goals for the next week:

Teach him to come up to an obstacle/fence for mounting.
Have him drive (one rein zone 5) transitions; walk, trot, halt, back-up.
Get sideways without a fence really good; mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Encourage a really slow lope.
Work on getting a better squeeze game.

Ok.... Keep it natural, safe, and savvy!





lauren said... captain jack?

Priscilla said...


Savvy is knowing where to be, when to be, why to be and what to do when you get there, at any given moment and in any situation with a horse.

lauren said...

I know. It's on the side bar.
I was joking. savvy?

Priscilla said...

"Son, I'm Capitan Jack Sparrow *pulls back hammer on gun*, Savvy?

lauren said...

lollollollol. rofl.
Priscilla, i'm lauren *aims snowball at priscilla*, Savvy?

Priscilla said...

The snowball will melt by the time it gets here.. :)

lauren said...

coputer generated snowball.
I can still throw it. savvy?