Saturday, March 19, 2011

Circling game - The most over played and misunderstood of all the games

Had a great time with Brego today. Tina told me that the circling game isn't about laps, it's about waiting for the *good* laps. Rhythm, relaxation and contact. Rhythm, a slow and steady pace. Relaxation, the head lowered and blowing his nose frequently. Contact, body rounded toward you with an ear/eye in your direction. He can find his Rhythm right off now, it used to be the hardest. His Relaxation comes about a lap after his Rhythm and his Contact comes in about a lap  and a half after Relaxation. I'm so happy his *brain* is getting the Circling game! His body looks so much better now that his Mind is relaxed! :D


1 comment:

lauren said...

I'm glad he is doing well. happy for you.

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