Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What am I?

When I fed the horses tonight I also played with Brego. We were both in the exact same state of mind. A little confused and slightly curious. It wasn't really good. I sent him out on a circle to help us both clear our minds, I stood there. He circled for about 15 laps, he was trotting. This is an easy feat for him, he likes circles, it helps him think. He slowly trotted around, he was connected to me. We're a lot alike, both Extroverts. Both physically active. We both think with our feet. We both need recess before school. 

I stood there and thought about where I was going to be in 3 years and 9 months, when I'm 18. When I'm getting ready to go the the Fast Track and enter the Mastery Program to become a Parelli Instructor. Where will I be? Will I have changed? Will I fail? My energy rose more and more, my thoughts raced. I got tense. Brego disengaged very quickly, approached me and gave me a look saying, "Hey you, snap out of it! It's going to be okay, calm down." He was so perceptive and thinking, it make me realize how much he was thinking and observing me. I settled down and stood by him, stroking him the whole time. We were both calm now. He's more mature than me sometimes. I moved on and played with the Green Ball a little bit then put him away. 

I was so much more calm with the future as I biked home. Everything will be okay because God is in complete control. I'm at peace.



Steve Edwards said...

You are brilliant with horses. You also are the most effective writer your age that I have ever encountered. Your communication skills will reach, and benefit, more horse owners, (and horses) than will your horse knowledge alone.

I hope that you stick with everything that you can learn from Parelli, and I hope that you will also seek out an academic education that will polish your brain so that you can reach your full potential. To do otherwise is to hide a very bright light under a very dark basket.

You, little girl, are not an ordinary kid. Do not worry about the future, analyse the past and understand the present. That is enough work to keep one's mind occupied.

Priscilla said...

I might be good with horses but I'm a failure in school... Not a complete failure, I just hate everything but reading, writing, grammar and composition. You can probably guess what subject I hate most, MATH! I detest it!
I love words, languages. Numbers are not a language to me. They're boredom and confusion.

Steve Edwards said...

Don't worry about the math. I cannot do it either and never enjoyed it one whit. Anyone who will read, much less loves to read, can learn anything else.

Do not refer to yourself as a failure. I have never met a failed Marble.

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