Monday, February 7, 2011

"Just watch what horses do in the pasture naturally. This is what, I'm sure, your horse is begging you to understand; how does he do it naturally? If you could understand that, if you could get your head around it, if you could try to emulate nature. Never forget your horse's nature it it's finest form. If we can understand it, then what we can do is start to open up the real secrets to success with horses. It takes Love, it takes Language, and it takes Leadership. And that horse is going to respond with Respect without Fear, he's going to be Light and Responsive, and the Bond that we will create is going to be Strong. That's my only goal, it's to keep it natural and keep it simple, help humans understand horses. Understand them so much that it actually becomes innate, that's what savvy is. It's designed to help you have horse savvy, because if you're savvy, your horse is going to know it and he's going to respond to you so naturally that he's going to think you're his mother. That's the goal. To keep it Natural." --Pat Parelli

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