Sunday, August 1, 2010

Religious beliefs of the Inheritance Cycle

The one thing that 'causes me it love the Lord of the Rings elves, infinitely more than the Inheritance Cycle elves, is that the Lord of the Rings elves have firm belief in their Gods and are absolutly positive that they exist and created the Universe. The Inheritance elves are, for lack of a better term, Atheists. Godless, yet have a high moral standing in the races of Alaegasia. The reason I like Arya so much is that she is still finding her standing on this issue and yet she still does not wholly agree with the Dwarfs. The Dwarfs believe in a few Gods and are dedicated to them.

Yet I firmly hate the idea of Arya being an Atheist, it drives me up the wall.

Christopher Paolini has not yet turned Eragon himself in any direction yet on this issue, I think that Christopher must be a lot like Eragon, there are a lot a parallels that come through in Eragon and his own character. I, therefore, am firmly set and think that what ever way that Christopher turns Eragon is the way he believes in. God, or no God.

I am currently reading Brisingr, 3rd book in the Inheritance Cycle. I am waiting for the fourth one to come out, yes, it has been confirmed that there will be a fourth.


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