Friday, November 5, 2010

List the Impossible: Cricket

Westu Hal!

In the Savvy Times, May 2010 Issue, Don Jessop (3 star Parelli Professional) challenges us to write down a list of the "Impossible". I thought, "What's impossible? My impossible list with Cricket has already been fulfilled." But then he went on to quote Pat and said, "You can do anything you want with a horse, you just have to dream big enough." So I'm rewriting an "Impossible" list.

10 Laps at the canter- Online, Liberty
Flying Lead Changes in a straight line- Finesse
Trotting half-pass- Online, Long reins
Collection in all gaits- Finesse
Jumping higher than 2 feet- Freestyle (we have jumped 3 feet online)
Passing Level 4- All Savvies
Cantering to me: Catching game- Liberty

That ends my "Impossible" list, it will keep me busy for at most another year. It's achievable. Summer 2009 I wasn't able to have Cricket sideways 20' online. Now we can do that. Summer 2009 I wasn't able to have Cricket not brace against the halter in the circling game. That's gone now! So many things fall together in a year, and like Pat says, "You only need to dream big enough".

Thank you!


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