Saturday, November 20, 2010

I am Blessed

Westu Hal!

We took Cricket to the vet 8:00 am this morning. She had developed some sensitivity in her front legs in the past week. It was so slight I couldn't pin point it. She began getting better but I still wanted to make sure she wasn't just being tolerant of a bigger issue.

On the way to the vet, we stopped at a cafe. Daddy got a latte, I got a gooey bun, and Cricket got a scone. 

Then we whisked her off to the vet. They started by asking questions about if it's happened before, how old is she, is she a performance horse, blah blah blah. (No, she's always been completely sound.) Anyhow, we took her over to their round corral because they wanted to see her circle at the trot. We did both directions and she did fantastic and was blowing in a left brain manner. So sweet. They concluded it was very slight and in the left front leg in the knee down. 

Then they did a flexion test and low and behold, she had a slight over-extension  (meaning a microscopic strand of her tendon snapped) of her "Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon" (I think that was the one). That just means she was probably goofing off in the pen and slipped. They also said she's just a tad over weight in spite of the time and play I give her. She's around a 6 1/2 out of 2-9 on the fatso scale. That just means take it easy on the hay. She they sent us home with some butte (horse pain killer) and she gets one gram morning and night while she stays in the turnout. 

I'm so happy that it wasn't anything serious!

Vanya Sulie!


PS. Please correct me if I got some facts wrong.


Dona Cox said...

Hmm, yours is the second horse I've read of to have a superficial flexor issue. Hope she heals soon so you can return to the fun again.

Anonymous said...

No more gooey buns for Crickie until she trims down! :) I am looking forward to seeing you so very soon! Love you and am glad she is okay. I'm sure the vets were impressed by her cheerful circles. :)

Priscilla said...

They actually didn't mention the circles, they were paying attention to her feet. I was impressed by her of course which matters more. :D