Thursday, November 10, 2011

Geometry and Relationship

If you know me, you'll know that I hate math. Always have. It has something to do with the way my brain works, I don't think with order, methods, and formulas. I'm a free-spirited writer, reader, font-maker, etc.. You get the picture. I don't like to have to order my brain, though I control it, I don't split everything up and categorize it.

When I do math, I have to find a way for me to remember, think, and process without shutting down or going nuts!

Do you know what this is?


Most of you do! It's called a Ray and it's introduced in Geometry. The point is called the endpoint but I like to call it the starting point.

A ray has a starting point and it goes on and on and on without end. If it had an end, it would be called a line-segment.

Our Relationships in life look like a ray. They have a starting point and, in our perspective, they go on and we can't see an end (unless we have a falling out). Only God can see the line-segment (if it is indeed a line segment.

Our relationship with God looks most like this:

A is our birth, B is our death, and eternity is the time we (his children) will spend with him.

(Somewhere in between A and B, he changes our hearts so we can follow him and live with him forever)

And that's how I remember!
