Tuesday, September 27, 2011

miracles in our lives...

As you may have read in my last writing, Mom is reading The Dragon and the Raven aloud to me. It's by G.A. Henty and he writes about the battles between the Saxons and the Danes. It's enchanting. Although there isn't much character development, you can still work out pretty well what is happening.

The reason why I name this post what I did is because of one particular battle between the Dragon and the Raven (the Saxons and the Danes).

It was 10,000s against 350. Sound familiar? But it was also brawn against brain. The Saxons defended their fort for hours and days by finding new and brilliant ways to keep the Danes off. None were able to enter the fort without dying soon after.

More to the point. Before the 'afore stated battle, King Uffa (ruler of the Danes) rode up with a small band and essentially said, "We're going to kill you, in the name of our gods (false gods), you will be dead by morning."

But what the Saxons said was more profound. "You will need the help of all your false gods to take us on, with God on our side, we'll stand to whatever end."

Can you imagine what it must've been like to be standing by your fellow 350 and look out over the 10,000s of King Uffa and still stand like they did? Do you know how many of the Saxons died in that fight? Only 20! The Danes were killed in the hundreds and the next day 1,500 were slain. Only some Saxons were wounded but nothing serious.

The intelligence of the Saxons was deeply insightful but their victory truly reflected the true source of their triumph. God.


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