Monday, April 18, 2011

A Pattern to the 7 Keys to Success and my Personal growth.

In our study group, Tina Giordano had asked us to look for a pattern to the 7 keys to success in the book, "Natural Horsemanship". There was the general pattern for on the ground and riding but today as I woke up I noticed another pattern that I had found mostly in the levels pathway and my personal growth. Here goes! 

Level 1: Is where my Attitude had to change the most. I was so caught up in everything being my horse's fault and there was nothing natural about my outlook. 

Level 2: This is where, once I had a changed Attitude and outlook, I was able to gain Knowledge of his behaviors and start to know what happens before what happens, happens! I learned to most about my Tools in Level 2 because I had to change to a 22' line, it was a reminder that everything had to stay positive and progressive. 

Level 3: Is where I've become very aware of my Techniques because I'm starting to Refine them, a lot. My Time has been essential to my leadership, you have to have great Timing to get a snappy response later! I've had to become much more Imaginative in Level 3. You're learning all the principles, concepts and games in Level 1 and 2, it's all the same stuff in Level's 3 and 4 but you have to have more Imagination or your horse will get bored with you. 

Level 4: Although I'm not here yet, I've imagined that Level 4 will be where all the other 6 keys come together so that you and your horse can Support each other, especially in a competition. Specialization can look pretty stressful but if you put the horse first and his cake before his icing (or foundation before specialization), everything will hold together fine and you will be Supporting each other instead of you being white knuckled, babying your horse along all the while hoping he won't spook at the banner on hanging on the rail. 

What do you think? 


The 7 Keys to Success are:


Parelli Central said...

I really like your observation, Priscilla!

Petra Christensen
Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
Parelli Central

Parelli Central said...

You're so welcome. Well deserved!!! :D
