Monday, December 27, 2010

There's this quote that says, "Take the time it takes so it takes less time". I think that people should not underestimate others. Did you know that by waiting just one moment it can make the next time twice as fast? Have you ever hauled your horse across the arena from point A to point B just because you were to lazy to wait an instant and ask the horse to go ahead of you? Have you been really direct line about "getting out there"?

Here's my challenge. Don't stop wanting to go out there. Instead, just add this: pause a moment, do the unexpected, wait, then move on. It makes a huge difference. Trust me.


Kerrin Koetsier said...

I love this blog post, Priscilla!
It couldn't be more true...

Hope you've had a good Christmas.

Kerrin Koetsier

Parelli:A natural approach to Horse Training

Priscilla said...

Thank you, Kerrin! That's really encouraging.