Thursday, October 7, 2010

Exercising the Mind

I'm sitting outside on my laptop and I've just finished letting the dogs run around on my long line. They all loved it, the line is 45 feet and they feel like they're off leash when they're on it. It's exercise for me and the dogs, they all look forward to it. Their particular favorite is the water trough, they gallop around me in large circles, jump the barrels in the arena and then leap into the cool water. The Labs usually get stuck half-way in. B-) The loyalty of all the dogs is incredible, they all act as though you're perfect. It's really funny, I think dogs are convicting. Heh heh. 

Dogs are really optimistic. Buddy doesn't even seem to notice how old he's getting, he ignores his arthritis as best he can at this point. Us humans start worrying about wrinkles when we're forty when dogs only notice their age when the pain in their limbs becomes to much to bare. We have a lot to learn.  

Lottie's zeal for life is inspiring. She has a real sense of humor and not a goofy bone in her body. She's incredibly smart and can learn something new in the snap of your finger. She is not high strung, she's smarter than that. She's loyal to me and accepting of others without being open. She is interested in humans, but she doesn't jump all over them, she'd rather look them over for a while and discern whether they're worth her time. I love her independence but I think that it's her real weakness. I know she thinks I'm worth her time, she gets excited when she sees me and starts wondering if I'm going on a run any time soon, usually I take her. :D 

Molly is truly not smart. She is amazingly loyal to Abby though and will do almost anything for her. She tries to be independent but she couldn't live a day in the wild without Abby. It's hilarious. She has many good things about her and it's probably good she's not smart or else she'd be Houdini's sister. She is not very graceful and get's stuck half-way when she tries to leap into the trough. Of all things, the best thing about her is her sense of Humor, she's just belly-laughingly funny-- if that's a way you can describe a dog. :D Gotta' love her! 

Hot Chocolate has to be the most annoyingly high strung dog in the universe! Yet over the months of caring for her she's kind of grown on me. I've finally learned how to get her to stop pulling on the leash and listen. She's the most obsessive animal in my acquaintance. She found a jolly ball in the arena today, I've never seen her truly love a toy, much less a horse toy. She really took to it and chased it around until she ran to the trough  with it in her mouth and jumped in, panting. All I can say is that she didn't part with it happily! :) 

All our dogs are special in their own ways but sitting on this rock and telling you about it is starting to hurt. I'll let you guys carry on with your no doubt wonderful lives that I've just been privileged to be a part of. 

The sun is on my face and theres a warm breeze blowing, it's perfect. 

Quel fara [good hunting] and Vanya sulie [fair winds]! 


PS. I'm sorry if I've just described Lottie in more flowery terms than the others, I'm am rather partial to her. After all, she's my dog! 

1 comment:

virginagirl said...

This makes me miss all of the dogs alot, especially Buddy. I hate to think of him getting old without me. Thanks for taking such good care of him for me. :)