Monday, June 6, 2011

A huge thing I've learned.

I ask questions and answer questions pretty defensively, almost attacking. I think it's because I don't want to be open, it makes me feel vulnerable and as though they can attack me. People end up answering me on the defensive so they don't end up being able to attack (not so much that I always think they will). It's a bad habit that I'm trying to break. Don't be defensive or fearful and trust people enough to ask a question openly.

Please forgive me if I've ever hurt your feelings or attacked you.



Anonymous said...

you are one of my role-models priscilla and this is one of the resons - you are willing to see that you are wrong

i love you.

Anonymous said...

Priscilla, you are being too hard on yourself! Remember, you are HUMAN :) Human nature is to act habitually and selfishly to some degree. Defensiveness protetcs us, we are all born with it. The beauty of you (one of the many) is that you realize this about yourself at such a young age. Grow with it and find the path that suits you as an individual. That 'defensiveness' may help save your life one day and protect you when you need it. Learn from your 'mistakes' but don't count everything that discourages you as a mistake. It may be just the opposite - an OPPORTUNITY. :) Savvy hugs my friend & till we meet again, Holly Williams

lauren said...

attacking in defense may not necessarily be a bad thing. Just don't forget to take the other person into consideration.

Anonymous said...

Gods grace is soooo good isn't it? So necessary as well. Ahhh

Priscilla said...

You're right...