Friday, June 17, 2011

Alone? Not really....

Brego found a wonderful home and my siblings have graduated and taken their horses. Cricket is the only one left!

Cricket's doing fine now, she "wigged" out a little at first and it
was interesting to watch. Even when she was right brained, she still
kept it at the walk and conserved energy. Our relationship is growing.
She runs to me, paces when I'm gone and "talks" to me. we've been
playing "tag" where she chases me at a full gallop around her turnout
and up and down "the hill". I usually wait 'till she starts "ignoring"
me then I take off as fast as I can. She usually bucks around and
chases after me. If I were smaller, we'd make an amazing team cutting.
She found all sorts of ways to cut me off. So cool! Such a talented
girl. :) I did all that liberty without a Carrot Stick!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! I wish I was there to watch... Miss you. -Em