Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Story I was writing--my story

Hey peoples!
Ok, so... A while back, I started writing a story (about 4 months ago), this was no ordinary story, this was *my* story. You're probably thinking, "yeah, duh, she was writing it so it's her story!"...

Let me elaborate. It's about a Elvin girl that lives in a land that could very well go to war at any time, she is being chased by 9 riders of the enemy while she is trying to get a valuable seeing stone (not an egg, nothing to do with Eragon) to the Elvin lord Thoronthol (yeah! I made up the name myself). ---la la la.... Ok so I was struggling to write and lost adjectives, sigh... I was trying to write about me without knowing it! :) The girl was me....!! I know where is this going... Pretty pointless, ok, the girl is who I am in my dreams-- I think-- Loves horses, people, trees, archery, cantering, her name, fun clothes... Etc.... Getting the point yet? Try writing a story and then later as you write, realize that your main character is yourself, how hard is it to keep on writing about yourself when you're trying to make the main character a hero? :)

Ok... Not sure that this post made any sense---I'm pretty sure it didn't...



PS. Not that I'm an Elf with 9 riders chasing me.. Oh and I don't have a seeing stone either.... :)


lauren said...

lol. I have the same problem. except I haven't gotten very far. I have the exact same interests as you .lol.
Except my story is slightly differant.slightly.

Priscilla said...


C and H Walker said...

Oh! I want to read it when you're done! :D

lauren said...

me too!

Priscilla said...

great! I'll be sure to send it to you

Unknown said...

SEND IT TO ME! <3 i want to read it!!!!!