Monday, February 1, 2010


To identify your horse's "horsenality," consider every trait listed on the chart to the right and make a dot on the specific ring that best corresponds to your horse. For example, if your horse is extremely playful, you would put a dot on the outer "extreme" ring under this trait. If he is non-responsive, but only some of the time, you would put a dot on the middle "moderate" ring by this trait. Some of the traits may not apply to your horse at all. You can have dots in different quadrants, but the vast majority of horses will end up with most of their dots in one quadrant, which reveals that horse's Horsenality.

Once you have identified your horse’s “horsenality” profile using the chart, here are some strategies for working effectively with each Horsenality type for a more successful partnership.

The Right Brain Extrovert needs safety. Never push him past the threshold until he's calm. You will need to retreat and to interrupt the pattern. You must have a strong focus and must match the horse's high energy level. Give him a job to accomplish to replace his fear with something positive. He must think of you as his "safe place."
The Right Brain Introvert needs comfort. The worst thing you can do is push this horse before he's confident. You'll ruin his trust in you if you push him before he's ready. Taking your time is important because you'll need to wait on this horse to process things. He needs to believe in you.
The Left Brain Extrovert needs play. He craves creative, imaginative tasks and can't stand to be forced into anything. Because he hates to be bored, you'll need to speed things up, be enthusiastic and come up with variety in your lessons.
The Left Brain Introvert needs incentive. There are plenty of ways to offer incentive without "bribing" him. (Think rest, grazing, treats, scratches.) This horse needs to have a purpose and wants to go somewhere. Riding circles in an area with this horse will lead to resistance and defiance. Use reverse psychology for best results.


C and H Walker said...

Which one is Cricket? :D

Priscilla said...

Left Brain Introvert with Extroverted streaks..

virginagirl said...

I will let you know what Owl Prophet is,
IF I can convince our computer to print this...

C and H Walker said...

That's what I guessed, just from what you've said. :D

Priscilla said...
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Priscilla said...

Lydia, I'm guessing your computer is a Left Brain Introvert!

virginagirl said...

Haha, I have not quite mastered the art of communication with computers.